Wake Up Amazed by​ Instant Transformation
Semi-Permanent Eye Lash Extensions:
A practice that enhances the length, thickness and fullness of natural eyelashes applied individually, with a natural look and feel. Weightless, painless and water-resistant.
Our Products
Xtreme Lashes - Single strands of synthetic lashes made to mimic your natural lash. Long lasting with natural looking results.
Mink - These lashes are a more feathery natural looking lash that is softer on the eye.
iLash - Individual synthetic lashes, slightly more rigid than mink and gives a bolder look.
Lash After Care
Do not get lashes wet for 24 hours including sweating and any steam
Do not use oil based products, creams or waterproof mascara
Use lint free applicator to remove any makeup around the eye
Do not perm, tint or use any sort of eye lash curler
DO NOT pull on lash extensions or rub eyes
To avoid lash damage, please see a lash technician to have lashes properly removed